There is nothing like hot coffee or tea early morning. But what about your smile? Yes, black tea just as its cousin coffee do stain your teeth because of tannic acid. But tee in contrast to coffee has some alternative effect.
Due to scientists opinion drinking tea may be good way to keep your teeth healthy. They found that some compounds in tea like polyphenolic constituents may attack harmful bacteria in the mouth cavity. These compounds are capable of killing or suppressing growth and acid production of cavity-causing bacteria in dental plaque. Thanks to black tea the total mass of the dental plaque can be greatly reduced so as certain plaque bacteria lose their adherence capability.
Moreover one cup of tea contains about 0.25 milligrams of fluoride that enhances the tooth remineralization process and enriches dental enamel. Thereby both fluoride and polyphenolic constituents degrade appreciably a caries activity.
Good suggestion to keep the color of your teeth light is to take green, white or herbal teas. However, one should take into account that some herbal teas may be even more acidic, that is more erosive for your teeth, than orange juice. Drinking herbal tea can damage teeth by eroding enamel.
Nevertheless, don't forget that there are some factors that influence the color absorption by the teeth, like the roughness of the enamel and the quantity of saliva that your glands produce as well as its organic salt content.
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