Monday, March 28, 2011

Interesting Facts About Dental Anomalies

Sometimes in their professional life the dentists have to correct some dental defects. Any deviation from normal can be identified as a dental anomaly. As for its origin, it can be different as well as its effect which can range from stained teeth or tooth missing to cleft palates.

Certain teeth disturbances are related to embryonic development and appear at genetic level. One of such teeth anomaly is "amelogenesis imperfecta" when the teeth produce only a soft, thin layer of tooth enamel. This enamel is not capable to protect the teeth, so they are weak, susceptible and can be easily damaged. Moreover such teeth look
yellow because of dentin which shows through.

Another dental anomaly is microdontia which produces the teeth smaller then normal. More often it appears in the upper jaw and is limited to one or two teeth. This anomaly is harmless for the teeth health and there is only one desired effect to make the tooth the same size as the others. So, such tooth defect can be corrected by dentist using the crown.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Natural Protein Spurs Periodontal Healing?

A periodontal disease in the most of cases is the reason of tooth loss in adults. The recent research showed that FGF-2 might have a role in treating this condition.

Thanks to the study that was made by researchers from Osaka University Dental School in Japan, which involved 253 adults with periodontal disease, we came to know that a protein involved in wound healing may help to regenerate periodontal tissue. “Each had a type of surgery in which gum tissue was back and bacteria were removed. During the procedure, surgeons used a protein called recombinant human fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2). It was applied to the bone under the gum tissue. Patients were randomly assigned to receive no FGF-2 or one of three concentrations of FGF-2.”

Sealants Protect Teens' Teeth

“Dental sealants are plastic coatings that protect teeth from decay. In children and young adults who live in places with fluoride in the water, almost all tooth decay is found on the chewing surfaces. In non-fluoridated areas, more cavities are found in between the teeth. In Greece, the water is not fluoridated.” Greek research claims that dental sealants reduce the risk of tooth decay in teens.

During the research were involved nearly 2,500 children, considering the fact that approximately half were age 12 and the others were age 15. The main aim of the study was to know whether sealants do help to reduce tooth decay in these age groups as well as due to the results to decide whether Greece should establish a national dental sealant program for youth.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

New Suspect in Early Tooth Decay

INTELIHEALTH - Boston-area researchers may have found a new culprit in early tooth decay.
We all know that cause of tooth decay is evidently a species of bacteria called Streptococcus mutans, which eats sugars and releases acid, leading to the tooth enamel dissolving that in result leads to a cavity. You might have heard about a couple of other species of bacteria associated with cavity formation, as well.
But a new study claims that even when Streptococcus mutans is not present, the risk of cavities still exists, as another species named Scardovia wiggsiae can lead to its formation.

Tongue Piercing Material Affects Bacterial Growth

Due to a recent study we got to know that stainless steel tongue studs may lead to more bacteria growth than studs made of plastic.

The study was held by the researchers from Innsbruck Medical University, involving 85 people who already had a tongue piercing. Each of those who were undergoing the experiment was given a new tongue stud, which was made from one of 4 different materials: steel, titanium and 2 various types of plastic. In 2 weeks time, the researchers looked at the bacteria around the piercings.

Prevent Cavities in Childhood

Due to a new report that was published in the journal, Pediatrics reveals, if to initiate preventive dental care from the very childhood it may lead to reducing the early cavities among children.

Recently, the effect of North Carolina’s dental program (that was funded by the government health insurance program, Medicaid) “Into the Mouths of Babes” was analyzed by the group of American researchers. The dental program requires babies to take fluoride treatments and dental exams by pediatricians together with family doctors for the last 11 years. 

Dental Implants - Protein More Effective than Bone-Grafting?

A recent research showed that when it comes to dental implants, a bone-creating protein is more effective than bone-grafting.

Despite the fact that the implants screws that anchor permanent prosthetic teeth, they do not work like the bone, as the bone is too thin, which is a consequence to tooth loss. Taking into account that nowadays the favored way is to supplement the area with bone grafts, this technique is a little bit problematic, as “primarily because it involves additional surgeries to harvest the bone,” said Dr. Ulf M.E. Wikesjw, Interim Associate Dean for Research and Enterprise in the College of Dental Medicine, Georgia Health Sciences University. During the studies they came to the following conclusion: “We found that BMP induced superior bone quality over that following bone grafts, which improves the chances for successful implants.” Wikesjw added that “BMP is phenomenal, because it’s a true, off-the-shelf product with ease of use that can produce real results, and it could be the new gold standard for this procedure.”

Be Careful with Risk of Excess Zinc Intake

Despite the fact that zinc is considered to be an essential mineral for the human body, you should keep in mind that excess zinc intake may be harmful. 
At present, a new study has asked dentists to pay specific attention to the amount of zinc they consume.
J. A. von Fraunhofer, the co-author of the study stated: "If a patient wears dentures, it is essential that he or she follows the instructions and recommended dosages on the product label," he added that "Many times, patients will overuse the adhesive and, although it happens rarely, they can ingest toxic levels of zinc, with adverse neurologic effects." In order to ensure that a patient is not overusing the adhesive, the optimal use of denture adhesive involves placing a thin film or a series of dots across the denture surface. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Informed Moms Use Less Teething Medicine

An Australian study shows that giving new mothers an info on teething symptoms may decrease the use of medicine. During the research 441 pregnant mothers were involved in. Nearly a half of them had received printed info via mail that included explanation of the different ways to manage teething. The ladies got the info when their babies were 6 months old, and one more time at 12 months. The rest did not receive this information.

All 441 moms were equally likely to report teething symptoms in their babies. But the study shows that the group of mothers who got the mailed was less likely to use medicines to ease discomfort, giving the preference to rubbing their babies' gums instead.

Monday, March 14, 2011

What are teeth made of?

There four major tissues which compose the tooth: enamel, dentin, cementum and pulp. Dental enamel is the hardest tissue not only in the tooth but also in the whole human body. Like any part of organism tooth enamel contains water and organic component but only 4% in total and other 96% go to the mineral compounds. The natural color of tooth enamel can be different: from light yellow to grayish white. But a teeth color in general depends not only on enamel color because the enamel is semitransparent. That is why underlying dentin has a great influence on the appearance of a tooth. Also certain elements of everyday life like coffee, tea, tobacco as well as bacteria stains are able to provoke a discoloration of tooth enamel. The main mineral of enamel is a calcium phosphate.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Interesting facts about Toothpastes

Starting from my early childhood every day I use a toothpaste and know only that it cleans the teeth and foams. So I have never been thinking about its components and action mechanism.

The modern toothpastes are composed of three principal ingredients such as abrasives, fluoride, detergents, except of water which makes up 20-40% of toothpaste.

The largest part of a toothpaste is represented by abrasives. Frequently abrasives include insoluble particles of silica, calcium carbonate, aluminum hydroxide etc. The people of Roman Empire also used some abrasives for their antique toothpaste - it were crushed bones and oyster shells. So, it is easy to guess that the main mission of these abrasive particles is to remove dental plaque and food remainders from our teeth.

Few words about dental jewelry

This is a time of dental jewelry (teeth jewelry). Really, it seems evident that a sparkle of a little diamond is able to decorate any, even too beautiful, smile. Normally the process of teeth jewel application is totally painless and does not damage a dental enamel while the provided for the procedure teeth is healthy. It takes about 10-20 minutes and does not require any anesthesia.
At the present day dental diamonds or another stones called Skyces as well are widely used. There are other types of teeth jewel, so-called Twinkles which are represented by golden or silver plates with or without precious stone so as imitation stones like Strass. But using a dental jewelry be prepared that some people can consider it too extravagant.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What do we know about tooth whitening?

A priori the natural color of teeth is white which is typical for all babies. In ideal condition the color of your teeth must have the same tinge as a white part of your eyeball. But with the laps of time our teeth become dark, stained and less attractive due to consumption of coffee, tea, red vine, tobacco and other products with coloring pigments. That is why nowadays more and more people resort to the help of dental bleaching (tooth whitening) intending to restore the whiteness and brightness of their smile.
It is interesting to know that the history of dental whitening began about 150 years ago and the first methods on basis of oxalic acid (natural source - sorrel) as an active chemical agent where used. Earlier, in the Roman Empire they used carbamide for the same purpose.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Tea and coffee - is it good for your teeth?

There is nothing like hot coffee or tea early morning. But what about your smile? Yes, black tea just as its cousin coffee do stain your teeth because of tannic acid. But tee in contrast to coffee has some alternative effect.
Due to scientists opinion drinking tea may be good way to keep your teeth healthy. They found that some compounds in tea like polyphenolic constituents may attack harmful bacteria in the mouth cavity. These compounds are capable of killing or suppressing growth and acid production of cavity-causing bacteria in dental plaque. Thanks to black tea the total mass of the dental plaque can be greatly reduced so as certain plaque bacteria lose their adherence capability.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dental Care - Understanding Toothaches

As we know, pain that comes from the toothache is one of the most horrible and excruciating. It effects your ability to work, to eat, to sleep, so you will stop at nothing to relieve the pain.
Generally toothaches can be appear as the result of infections or abscesses in the teeth or gums, dental cavities, harms of the face, teeth or jaw. In the initial stage pain shows itself in the form of agonizing throbbing.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Teenagers and Dental Care

It goes without saying that the most fun and exiting period in our life is while being teenagers. However, besides fun there are some responsibilities as well, and the dental care is one among the most essential of them.
Nowadays the majority of teenagers drink just giant volumes of soda, not considering that these carbonated beverages contain high concentrations of sugar and flavors (which are acidic in nature), which in future can lead to tooth decay, as these additives eat in to the tooth's enamel, at the same time giving more chances for cavities.

The High 3 Causes of Dental Fear

There are some people who suffer from having such a disgusting set of teeth, the one who isn't looking after his or her teeth properly has more chances for dental anxiety. Some folks do not attend a dentist, because of a fear to be hurt. Actually, there are numerous reasons why people choose to take care of their teeth by only daily brushing. The best way is to visit your sane dentist for at least once year.
But some times it happens that after the first visit to the sane dentist, some people choose not to travel there anymore. Perhaps of the pain they experienced, there is a trauma, which doesn't want to let one visit their dentist again.

How often should I brush and floss?

It's not a secret that brushing and flossing help control the plaque and bacteria that cause dental disease. The bacteria in plaque convert certain food particles into acids that can cause tooth decay. In case if plaque remains there, it can easily turn into tartar, after what they start destroying the gums and bone, causing periodontal disease (in case the plaque and tartar are not removed). These issues can only be controlled by regular brushing and flossing.

The Negative Effects of Smoking to Your Teeth

Besides the fact that such substances like tobacco can cause respiratory diseases, smoking has loads of negative effects to your health, as the dangerous substances pass through the pulmonary vein, heart and eventually the brain. Studies show that tobacco and nicotine containing cigarettes cause respiratory problems, it affects women's reproductive system and can cause vascular abnormalities like heart attacks, stroke, etc.
The fact is, that smoking does not only affect ones health and ones body inside, it influences to the appearance of the smoker. If one smokes for quite a long term, he or she may look older than they are, as it affects the skin, as well as oral hygiene. Among its common

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How to Help Your Child Deal with the Dentist

Some times it is very difficult to explain a child the importance of oral hygiene and how significant it is to keep teeth healthy from early age. While we may build good foundations for oral health with our children, it is undeniable that the dentist will play a major role in it, as you have to remember that visiting the dentist twice a year is not that one option children and adults may do without.
If you have worries about taking your child to a dentist, here are some useful tips you might consider, as often people face the problem when their children hear bad stories from friends about dentists, which evidently they do not want to experience themselves.