Sometimes in their professional life the dentists have to correct some dental defects. Any deviation from normal can be identified as a dental anomaly. As for its origin, it can be different as well as its effect which can range from stained teeth or tooth missing to cleft palates.
Certain teeth disturbances are related to embryonic development and appear at genetic level. One of such teeth anomaly is "amelogenesis imperfecta" when the teeth produce only a soft, thin layer of tooth enamel. This enamel is not capable to protect the teeth, so they are weak, susceptible and can be easily damaged. Moreover such teeth look
yellow because of dentin which shows through.
Another dental anomaly is microdontia which produces the teeth smaller then normal. More often it appears in the upper jaw and is limited to one or two teeth. This anomaly is harmless for the teeth health and there is only one desired effect to make the tooth the same size as the others. So, such tooth defect can be corrected by dentist using the crown.
Another thing to talk about is malocclusion, which may be a result of tooth irregularity (missing teeth, extra teeth) or disproportionate jaw relationships. The majority of malocclusions are inherited genetically, but sometimes they can be caused by accidents, early or late loss of baby teeth, or prolonged thumb sucking.
Orthodontic treatment can be carried out for solving this problem. Without considering genetics factors there are a lot of external agents, that affect the teeth and gums. Dark brown discoloration of the teeth can be caused by continuous use of tetracycline. Teeth
discoloration of this kind is difficult for the teeth whitening.
And in the end we list also some other anomalies and their possible causes:
- In the case of bulimia there is a danger of teeth decalcification.
- Extended swallowing of fluoridated toothpaste can provoke a fluorosis, which creates white spots on the teeth.
- Frequent swimming in a pool also may develop brown stains on the teeth.
- Coffee, tea and read vine stain the teeth as well.
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