It goes without saying that nothing brings more joy to mother than seeing her child smile for the first time. However, as children grow up, the appearance of their smiles depends on the health of their teeth. Consequently, it is quite important for a child to understand dental health importance from the early years.
In fact, factors affecting a child's dental health depend on the age. Babies 4 months old to 3 years old frequently have tooth decay, because of excessive sugar concentration and thumb sucking; the bacteria stay on the baby's mouth, feeding the sugar trapped on the teeth.
Talking about toddlers, it's a well-known fact that excessive of sweets can also cause tooth decay. When a child does not brush the teeth properly, it lets more bacteria feed on the sugar in the mouth, that's why tooth decay worsens. The disease can even cause early tooth loss; extra spaces on the gums can lead to shifting of teeth placement, so in such oral problems as Temporomandibular Joint Disorder can be a result. Your children may loose appetite because of teeth misalignment, that influences the chewing process. Dental experts usually treat this problem by oral prophylaxis and implant of teeth jackets. Needless to say that good oral health is half the battle of the beautiful smile.
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